SELPA Governance

2022 SELPA Governance



Five Keys Charter School
Five Keys Independence HS

2020 School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)

Five Keys Adult School
Five Keys Charter School
Five Keys Independence HS

2019 School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)

Five Keys Adult School
Five Keys Charter School
Five Keys Independence HS

2018 School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)

Five Keys Adult School
Five Keys Charter School
Five Keys Independence HS


With Intention: Instructional Programs Newsletter 

Introducing With Intention, a newsletter focusing on our school's instructional programs. Each quarter, a new issue will be published, highlighting issues/topics related to the world of teaching. Our goal is to represent voices and perspectives from the SF's charter school program, LA's charter school program and the CTE program in LA.

  • Volume I, Issue 1: Growing as a Professional Educator

  • Volume I, Issue 2: Coaching and Mentoring


Results of Five Keys WASC Visit

Five Keys was visted by WASC representatives in San Francisco (April 6th through April 10th) and Los Angeles (April 12th through April 15th).

WASC Report 2018
WASC Visiting Commitee Report


School Accountability Report Card 2013-2014

Based on 2013-2014 Data, Published in 2014-2015

Report Card

Five Keys Receives Three Year WASC Accreditation

Five Keys Receives Three Year WASC Accreditation plus the San Francisco Board of Education Renews the School's Charters
The San Francisco Board of Education renewed the school's charters in March 2011. Board member Rachel Norton wrote "the story of Five Keys is one that renews your faith in humanity, your faith that people can change, and our conviction that educational opportunity transforms lives."

WASC report
2012-2013 SARC
EPA Approved Spending Plan