Main Office


Address: 320 13th Street, Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (415) 734-3310
Fax: (415) 734-3314

For media or marketing-related enquiries, please use the button below. Thank you.

LA Main Office


Address: 111 S. Walnut Grove Ave. San Gabriel, CA 91776
Phone: (626) 703-4270
Fax: (626) 703-4381

For media or marketing-related enquiries, please use the button below. Thank you.

Alameda County Main Office


Address: 320 13th St, Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 255-0910
Fax: (415) 734-3314

For media or marketing-related enquiries, please use the button below. Thank you.

Enroll Now


  • We can only accept students who live in California

  • Thank you for your interest in enrolling! We are on Summer Break! The 2023-2024 school starts July 27, 2023. Please come back and register with Five Keys on July 20, 2023.  Questions? (415) 735-5051

Please click on the button to create your student account in order to start the REG-Online enrollment with Five Keys Schools and Programs.


NorCal by Phone
(415) 734-3310


SoCal by Phone
(626) 703-4270

Five Keys Student Online Application Life Cycle

The whole application and registration process is really fast.  If you want to get started today please watch for the following emails to make sure you complete all the required steps.


Online Application Tutorial

Follow the step-by-step tutorial to apply and registered with Five Keys. Click here to download the Online Application Tutorial.